Meet The Team

  • Sydney Chik

    • Founder of Paws Rehab

    •Certified Canine Rehab Practitioner (C.C.R.P) from University of Tennessee, USA

    • Physiotherapy - The University of Northumbria, UK

    • Animal Physiotherapist

    • Lecturing team for C.C.R.P courses in Asia

    Learn More 
  • Michelle Liong

    • Animal Physiotherapist

    • Certified Canine Aquatic Therapist from Canine Rehabilitation Institute (CRI) Florida, US

    • Bachelor of Science University of Melbourne, Australia. Major: Animal Health and Disease (Animal Disease Biotechnology Specialisation)

    • Certified Canine Fitness Coach (CCFC)

  • Shuvinder Singh

    • Animal Physiotherapist

    • Diploma in Physiotherapy Sciences - Royal College of Medicine Perak

  • Raven Ooi

    • Professional Pet Stylist

    • Specializes in Grooming Pets with Special Needs

  • Tan Kar Yi

    • Young and Professional Animal Lover

    • A-Level Graduate

International Veterinary Internship Program

Meet Our Veterinary Interns From Across Asia

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Better Care, Right When You Need It.